Business Standard

Saturday, January 18, 2025 | 07:32 PM ISTEN Hindi

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Elon Musk and CEO salaries in India

As demonstrated by Mr Musk's soaring salary package plan, the process for securing approval for CEO compensations is deeply flawed, whether in India or the US

Elon Musk

Amit Tandon
Last month, the Delaware Court of Chancery struck down Elon Musk’s gravity-defying $55.8 billion pay-package at Tesla, approved by shareholders in 2018. At $55.8 billion maximum value and $2.6 billion fair value, the compensation was almost entirely through stock grants. The plan was “250 times larger than the contemporaneous median peer compensation, 33 times larger than the plan’s closest comparison, which was Mr Musk’s previous compensation plan.” In 2022, it was estimated to be around six times larger than the combined pay of the 200 highest-paid executives in 2021.

The judge, Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick, found the process for securing the approval
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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