Days after the Maharashtra government issued a resolution to enable Adani Properties to start redeveloping Dharavi, group chairman Gautam Adani weighed in with an optimistic note recording his “huge personal connect” with one of Asia’s largest slums.
As part of this exercise, he explained how he would overcome the enormous challenges of rehabilitating 650,000 inhabitants without disrupting their livelihoods. Many of his suggestions pressed the right buttons in terms of upskilling and data centres, creating virtual marketplaces and so on.
These offers may sound reassuring but they up the stakes in terms of implementing a project that has
As part of this exercise, he explained how he would overcome the enormous challenges of rehabilitating 650,000 inhabitants without disrupting their livelihoods. Many of his suggestions pressed the right buttons in terms of upskilling and data centres, creating virtual marketplaces and so on.
These offers may sound reassuring but they up the stakes in terms of implementing a project that has