Business Standard

Sunday, January 26, 2025 | 12:04 PM ISTEN Hindi

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Cumulatively ravaging effects of inequality

The drumbeats of corporate inequality are being heard in many ways - from compensation differentials and working hours to work-from-home and gender pay parity

Gender inequality in pay costs $160 trillion annually across 141 countries

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R Gopalakrishnan
Everywhere in the world malaises are common: Worker insecurity, crony capitalism, political bribery, racism, and, more broadly, inequality. I was born when India was ruled by Lord Wavell. Our generation was inspired by leaders who served jail sentences to win independence, though, after independence, most of us sought a different life for ourselves and our country. Similarly, the children of liberalisation admire those who worked incredibly long hours with meagre resources. Like our generation did, they too seek a life different from their seniors.

They desire rapidly improving opportunities for jobs, infrastructure, education, and health. They also seek integrity and exemplary
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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