The price of 24-carat gold slipped Rs 10 in early trade on Wednesday, with ten grams of the precious metal trading at Rs 72,150, according to the GoodReturns website. The price of silver also declined Rs 100, with one kilogram of the precious metal selling at Rs 82,900.
The price of 22-carat gold also dipped Rs 10, with the yellow metal selling at Rs 66,140.
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The price of ten grams of 24-carat gold in Mumbai is in line with prices in Kolkata and Hyderabad, at Rs 66,140.
In Delhi, Bengaluru, and Chennai, the price of ten grams of 24-carat gold stood at Rs 72,300, Rs 72,150, and Rs 73,090, respectively.
In Mumbai, the price of ten grams of 22-carat gold is at par with that in Kolkata and Hyderabad, at Rs 66,140.
In Delhi, Bengaluru, and Chennai, the price of ten grams of 22-carat gold stood at Rs 66,290, Rs 66,140, and Rs 66,990, respectively.
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The price of one kilogram of silver in Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata stood at Rs 82,900.
The price of one kilogram of silver in Chennai stood at Rs 86,400.
US gold prices edged lower on Wednesday, as fears of an escalation in the Middle East conflict eased, while investors waited for crucial US economic data that could shed more light on the timing of interest rate cuts.
Spot gold was down 0.1 per cent at $2,320.19 per ounce, as of 0115 GMT, having hit its lowest since April 5 in the previous session. Bullion's March to April rally drove it up by nearly $400 to an all-time high of $2,431.29 on April 12.
Spot silver fell 0.2 per cent to $27.24 per ounce, platinum was up 0.3 per cent at $910.15, while palladium fell 0.1 per cent to $1,018.50.
(with inputs from Reuters)
(with inputs from Reuters)