Book Building
₹ 224.00 cr
₹ 28
₹ 14,980.00
The Shares of Mukka Proteins Ltd have now been listed.
Initial public offering of up to 80,000,000^ equity shares of face value of Re. 1/- each (Equity Shares) of Mukka Proteins Limited (The Company or the Issuer) for cash at a price of Rs. 28 per equity share (including a securities premium of Rs. 27 per equity share) (Issue Price) aggregating up to Rs. 224.00 crores (The Issue)^. The issue will constitute 26.67% of its post-issue paid-up equity share capital. ^Subject to finalisation of the basis of allotment
Funding working capital requirements of the company. Investment in its associate viz Ento Proteins Pvt Ltd, for funding its working capital requirements. General corporate purposes.
Mukka Proteins Ltd, Subramanian Building, 1ST Floor No 1, Club House Road, Chennai - 600002
Phone - 91-44-28462700
Fax - 91-44-28460129
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