Book Building
₹ 170.00 cr
₹ 90
₹ 5,400.00
The Shares of AcroPetal Technologies Ltd have now been listed.
Public Issue of 18888889 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each at a price of Rs. 90 per equity share (including a premium of Rs. 80 per equity share) for cash aggregating Rs. 170.00 crores (The Issue), by AcroPetal Technologies Limited (The Company or The Issuer). The Issue will constitute 48.57% of the fully diluted post issue paid-up capital of the company. The Net issue to public will constitute 48.57% of the fully diluted post issue paid-up capital of the company.Issue price: Rs. 90 per equity shares of face value of Rs. 10 eachThe issue price is 9 times the face value
To finance the funds required for potential acqui.. To set up a Software Devel. Centre cum Corp. Off.. Expansion & establishment of overseas offices. Part repayment of term loans. Additional long term working capital requirements. General corporate purposes.
AcroPetal Technologies Ltd, 17/B Dena Bank Bldg, Horniman Circle, 2nd Floor Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
Phone - 91-22-22702455/22641376/28515606
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