Tyre stocks were in a roll in an otherwise weak market on Thursday. While CEAT traded around 1 per cent higher, Goodyear India was up nearly 0.5 per cent. JK Tyre, on the other hand, was ruling around 8 per cent higher after the company reported a strong operational performance for the quarter ended September 30. READ MORE
So, are the gains in tyre stocks sustainable? Take a look at what charts indicate.
CEAT Limited (CEATLTD): The overall trend has turned highly bullish with a “Golden Cross” formation of 50-day moving average (DMA), and 100-DMA with
So, are the gains in tyre stocks sustainable? Take a look at what charts indicate.
CEAT Limited (CEATLTD): The overall trend has turned highly bullish with a “Golden Cross” formation of 50-day moving average (DMA), and 100-DMA with