The Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI) announced on Thursday that commercial production of battery cells under the Rs 18,100 crore Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) is anticipated to begin in Q4FY24.
"The prototype testing is almost complete, and commercial production is likely to start progressively in phases from the last quarter of this financial year," the MHI stated.
The Ministry has awarded the construction of a 30GWh capacity to three beneficiaries, namely Ola Cell Technologies, ACC Energy Storage, and Reliance New Energy Battery Storage. In the coming months, the government is also planning to auction the remaining 20GWh.
To monitor the progress of the work of the selected beneficiaries, the Ministry has appointed Engineers India Limited (EIL) as Independent Engineers.
Launched in June 2021, the scheme's objective is to strengthen the ecosystem for electric mobility and battery storage in the country.
The total investment made so far by these beneficiary organisations has reached up to Rs 2,090 crore. Ola Cell Technologies is establishing its manufacturing facility in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, while ACC Energy Storage is setting up its facility in Dharwad, Karnataka, and Reliance New Energy Battery Storage is establishing its facility in Jamnagar, Gujarat. Reliance New Energy Limited has also reported having acquired three overseas companies involved in the ACC manufacturing business.