₹115.75 0.00 (0.00%)
03:31 PM, 17-Feb-2025BSE : 79227
Sector : Engineering
ISIN Code : INE0PS501019
Market Cap (₹ Cr) | 136 |
Traded Value (₹ Cr) | 0.02 |
Volume (Shares) | 1,500 |
Face Value (₹) | 10 |
52-Week High (₹) | 137.90 |
52-Week High Date | 21-Oct-2024 |
52-Week Low (₹) | 75.55 |
52-Week Low Date | 14-Mar-2024 |
All Time High (₹) | 137.90 |
All Time High Date | 21-Oct-2024 |
All Time Low (₹) | 50.20 |
All Time Low Date | 11-Jul-2023 |
Market Cap (₹ Cr) | 136 |
EPS - TTM (₹) [S] | 1.53 |
P/E Ratio (X) [S] | 75.65 |
Face Value (₹) | 10 |
Latest Dividend (%) | - |
Latest Dividend Date | - |
Dividend Yield (%) | - |
Book Value Share (₹) [S] | 39.23 |
P/B Ratio (₹) [S] | 2.95 |
Scheme Name | Amount Invested (₹ Cr) | No Of Shares | Net Asset (%) |
Date | Broker | Action | Prices(₹) | Report |
Data Not Found |
Today's Low/High (₹) | 115.75 115.75 |
Year Low/High (₹) | 75.55 138.00 |
All time Low/High (₹) | 0.00 138.00 |
Period | BSE | NSE | SENSEX | NIFTY |
1 Week | - | - | -1.70% | -1.81% |
1 Month | - | - | -0.81% | -1.05% |
3 Month | - | - | -2.04% | -2.44% |
6 Month | - | - | -5.52% | -6.44% |
1 Year | - | - | 4.93% | 4.17% |
3 Year | - | - | 31.27% | 32.68% |
Chairman & Managing Director : Bipin Nanubhai Panchal
Whole Time Director : Nisha Bipin Panchal
Non Executive Director : Harmi Bipin Panchal
Independent Director : Rajvi Chirag Shah
Independent Director : Hiral Jainesh Shah
Company Secretary : Parth Hareshkumar Shah
Registered Office: #108&109 Kari Ind Este His N.5, Sur No.36 Vil Wal Dhu Ngr Va E,Palghar,Maharashtra-401208 Ph: +91 8669621562
1. What's the Global Pet Industries Ltd share price today?
Global Pet Industries Ltd share price was Rs 115.75 at 03:31 PM IST on 17th Feb 2025. Global Pet Industries Ltd share price was up by 0.00% over the previous closing price of Rs 115.75. Global Pet Industries Ltd share price trend:
2. How can I quickly analyse the performance of the Global Pet Industries Ltd stock?
The performance of the Global Pet Industries Ltd stock can be quickly analysed on the following metrics:
3. What is the market cap of Global Pet Industries Ltd?
Global Pet Industries Ltd has a market capitalisation of Rs 136 crore.
4. What is Global Pet Industries Ltd's 52-week high/low share price?
The Global Pet Industries Ltd’s 52-week high share price is Rs 0.00 and 52-week low share price is Rs 0.00.
5. Is the Global Pet Industries Ltd profitable?
On a consolidated basis, Global Pet Industries Ltd reported a profit of Rs 0.44 crore on a total income of Rs 12.10 crore for the quarter ended 2023. For the year ended Mar 2023, Global Pet Industries Ltd had posted a profit of Rs 0.44 crore on a total income of Rs 12.09 crore.
6. Which are Global Pet Industries Ltd’s peers in the Engineering sector?
Global Pet Industries Ltd’s top 5 peers in the Engineering sector are Atam Valves, Duncan Engg., Arrowhead Sepera.
7. Who owns how much in Global Pet Industries Ltd?
Key changes to the Global Pet Industries Ltd shareholding are as follows: