Apollo Tyres announced on Wednesday a suspension of bias and Off-The-Road (OTR) tyre production at its Limda facility in Gujarat. The halt comes amid concerns from shop floor employees over the renewal of a long-term settlement agreement. The company noted in a regulatory filing that discussions are ongoing with labour union representatives to find an amicable resolution.
The company further stated that while it is closely monitoring the situation, contingency plans are in place to mitigate any supply disruptions. Apollo Tyres also clarified that there is currently no material impact on its operations.
The Limda plant ranks as one of Apollo Tyres' second largest facilities in India. It produced 150,359 metric tonnes of tyres in financial year FY23, contributing to the company's total output of 676,915 metric tonnes during the same period.
Efforts to reach the company for comment on the implications of this production halt via telephone and email were not answered by the time of going to press.
Apollo Tyres operates a total of seven production units—five in India and two in Europe.