Sebi has ordered the attachment of bank accounts as well as shares and mutual fund holdings of 10 individuals to recover Rs 1.25 crore, saying they have not complied with the regulator's investigation in the matter of Eros International Media Ltd. The recovery proceedings were initiated against these 10 individuals -- Gourab Ray Chaudhuri, Manisha Kumari Singh, Vinod Kumar Agarwal, Sutapa Mukherjee, Sumit Bhoot, Abhishek Das, Dev Govind Binani, Debosmita Ghosh Dastidar, Debjit Medda, and Anindya Bikas Datta -- after they failed to pay the fine imposed on them by the regulator, Sebi said in 10 separate orders passed on Thursday and Friday. In its notices, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has ordered attachment of bank, demat accounts and mutual fund folios of these individuals to recover pending dues. Going by the notices, dues of totalling Rs 1.25 crore were pending with these individuals with the amount including interest and recovery costs. As per the notices, Se
The Enforcement Directorate Friday said it recently carried out searches against leading entertainment company Eros International Media Ltd and some linked entities as part of a probe into a Rs 2,000-crore foreign exchange law violation case. The searches were undertaken on February 5 at five locations in Mumbai under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), the probe agency said. The company could not be contacted immediately for a response. In a statement, the ED said the searches were part of an ongoing probe in the case of alleged "fund diversion" by Eros International Media Ltd and the other entities of EROS group. "Incriminating" documents pertaining to overseas entities, immovable properties, overseas bank accounts and digital devices were seized, it said. The federal probe agency said the probe was initiated based on SEBI investigation against EROS group and its promoters for alleged misrepresentation of finances and "diversion/siphoning" of funds amounting to around Rs
Media stocks in focus ahead of big film releases this Diwali: PVRInox, Eros Media and Shemaroo Entertainment among 5 stocks that can rally up to 28% from here on, shows technical charts.