The National Stock Exchange (NSE) has asked the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) for permission to extend trading hours for derivatives to 9 pm, and eventually, perhaps, 11:55 pm. The rationale behind extended trading hours, apart from possible trading volume gains, is that this would enable Indian traders and investors to respond in real time to price-sensitive events in Europe and America after the normal trading session closes at 3:30 pm. There, however, would be considerable practical problems in launching trading across extended hours, and some teething issues, in terms of additional costs on brokerages and the exchange. But once stakeholders adapt, the gains will be substantial, says the top edit. Read it here
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A K Bhattacharya says the Interim Budget projections for 2024-25 should conform to standard practices of transparency, pragmatism and caution. Read it here
Amit Tandon predicts that the task of building a board that truly serves a company’s needs will become more challenging as governance rules evolve. Read it here
The second edit explains why the Indo-Canada row may have unintended geopolitical costs. Read it here
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