Shares of General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC RE) surged as much as 8.5 per cent to Rs 165.75 on the BSE on Thursday after the company's net profit jumped 98 per cent to Rs 1,197 crore in Q4FY20 compared to 603 crore in the same period a year ago due to lower tax provisions.
The reinsurer’s pre-tax profit for the March quarter stood at Rs 1,101 crore compared to Rs 1,194 crore in Q4FY19.
The reinsurer’s pre-tax profit for the March quarter stood at Rs 1,101 crore compared to Rs 1,194 crore in Q4FY19.
Besides, Combined Ratio of the reinsurer for FY20 stood at 114 per cent compared to 106 per cent in FY19. If the combined ratio