Congress leader Rahul Gandhi posted a message for his mother, Sonia Gandhi, on social media, praising her for her composure and grace under pressure, a day after their aircraft made an emergency landing in Bhopal on its way from Bengaluru to Delhi. The Gandhis were returning from the two-day opposition meet in Bengaluru attended by 26 parties.
The post included a photo of Sonia Gandhi wearing an oxygen mask, with the caption "Ma, the epitome of grace under pressure."
On Tuesday, the aircraft made an emergency landing in Bhopal due to bad weather. The incident took place around 7:45 pm.
News agency PTI quoted airport director Ramji Awasthi as saying it was a priority landing, not an emergency one. Senior Congress leader Shoba Oza was quoted as saying that the chartered plane made an emergency landing because of some technical snag.
After getting information about the development, former Union minister Suresh Pachori, legislators PC Sharma, Arif Masood, and Kunal Choudhary went to the airport and met them in the lounge.
Oza said that the Gandhis left for New Delhi by an IndiGo flight at around 9:30 pm.
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