Business Standard

Saturday, January 18, 2025 | 07:14 AM ISTEN Hindi

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NPAs and structural issues

To fix one you need to fix the others


Shyam Ponappa
An aspect of financial services often overlooked is that they serve as second-order infrastructure, essential for commerce, industry, and daily living. A disruption in the financial sector slows everything by cutting productivity. Other reasons for decline, such as structural issues in power supply, telecom/broadband, and in farming, are accepted as part of the landscape. That is why devising corrective measures is not so simple. Setting aside political considerations, misattribution does not help in problem-solving. Resolution needs root causes to be identified and addressed. 

Consider the example of the guillotine approach to non-performing assets (NPAs). Imagine if an inspection of water and
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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