Business Standard

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 | 04:17 AM ISTEN Hindi

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<b>Shyam Ponappa: </b>Cashlessness needs connectivity

And connectivity needs political and administrative convergence



Shyam Ponappa
This new year brings with it uncertainties amidst the push for cashlessness. Without going into the demerits or otherwise, some clarity on a road map to go forward from where we are might help with realistic planning to manage our way out of this situation.

Cashless transactions need ubiquitous connectivity, which we don’t have.  Without it, the goal is simply unfeasible. Better to recognise this now, rather than act out elaborate charades, resulting in avoidable economic hardship and social ructions. Connectivity needs effective, efficient communication links at a reasonable cost. These call for realistic objectives and solid implementation, not bluster
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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