Shahid Kapoor recently unveiled his stunning look from the “Deva" movie on his Instagram handle, which is set to release on Dussehra next year. The movie is being made under the production company Zee Studios and Roy Kapur Films. Deva will be directed by an action thriller filmmaker from Malayalam cinema, Rosshan Andrews, this is going to be his directorial debut in Hindi cinema. Along with Shahid Kapoor, the movie will also star Pooja Hegde.
The actor also informed in the caption that the movie will hit theatres on October 11, 2024.
Shahid Kapoor as Cop again
According to reports, the movie revolves around a rebellious police officer who is investigating a high-profile case. As he dives deeper into the case, he finds the web of betrayal and deceit that leads him to a thrilling and dangerous path.
In the first look, Shahid appears with an intense face holding a gun in one hand. The actor was seen in the role of a police officer in his last movie 'Bloody Daddy'. The 42-year-old actor is back with another action-thriller movie and playing the role of an indomitable police officer. Shahid's intensity can be seen in the first look of the movie.
Pooja Hegde was last seen in Salman Khan 's "Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan". However, the movie failed to do good business at the box office.
Shahid Krit's movie postponed
To avoid a clash with Vijay Setupathi and Katrina Kaif's 'Merry Christmas' and Siddharth's Yodha, the filmmaker postponed the release date of Shahid and Kriti's starrer movie, which is still untitled. The movie is expected to hit theatres on February 9, 2024.
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Many reports claim that the untitled movie will see Kriti Sanonn as a robot and Shahid Kapoor in a scientist role.
There have also been reports about the yet-untitled film that will see Dharmendra as Shahid's grandfather. Along with the cast, Dimple Kapadia is also part of the movie playing a significant role.