Aligning themselves with global peers, Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) will now hire faculty on 5-6 year contract as against the current practice of making hires permanent after a one-year probation period. At the end of the contract, based on a review
of their teaching and research, the said faculty will either be retained and promoted as tenured faculty or find their contract annulled.
“This is a step in the right direction. The MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development) and IITs want the institutes to be on a par with global peers who follow the tenure track system for
of their teaching and research, the said faculty will either be retained and promoted as tenured faculty or find their contract annulled.
“This is a step in the right direction. The MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development) and IITs want the institutes to be on a par with global peers who follow the tenure track system for