Shares of Punjab National Bank (PNB) slipped 8 per cent to Rs 37.25 on the BSE on Wednesday, falling 10 per cent in the past two trading days after the bank announced the opening of qualified institutional placement (QIP) issue on Tuesday. However, the share price of the state-owned lender has fallen below the QIP floor price of Rs 37.35 per share.
In the past month, the stock has run up strongly, rallying nearly 40 per cent till Monday. At 09:44 am, the stock was trading 6 per cent lower at Rs 38.15, as compared to 0.71 per cent
In the past month, the stock has run up strongly, rallying nearly 40 per cent till Monday. At 09:44 am, the stock was trading 6 per cent lower at Rs 38.15, as compared to 0.71 per cent