Shares of Reliance Industries (RIL) hit a new all-time high of Rs 1,788.60 on the BSE on Friday after the company on Thursday said it has sold a 2.32 per cent stake in its digital unit to Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (PIF) for Rs 11,367 crore and has become net-debt free. The stock, however, ended at Rs 1,759.50, up over 6 per cent.
The past two day’s gain has seen the market capitalisation (market-cap) of the company cross Rs 11 trillion on the bourses for the first time ever.
The investment by Saudi sovereign wealth fund is "at
The past two day’s gain has seen the market capitalisation (market-cap) of the company cross Rs 11 trillion on the bourses for the first time ever.
The investment by Saudi sovereign wealth fund is "at