A list of terms I never want to hear or read again: Unprecedented times, unprecedented challenge, spike, steepest single-day spike; migrant, immigrant, inter-state worker, guest worker; new normal, lockdown, unlockdown; curfew, sanitiser, soap, infect, infection, disinfect, disinfectant, virus, coronavirus, covid, covid warriors; essential services, essential supplies; closed, temporarily closed, opened, partially opened; economic distress, financial meltdown, cutbacks, layoffs, furlough, letting-go, shutdown. Words that fill you with dread: Fever, cough, shortness of breath, trouble breathing, fatigue, body-ache, headache, sore throat, loss of taste, loss of smell, nausea, diarrhoea. Also: Quarantine, home quarantine, containment, hospital, vaccine, thermal screening, immunity, herd-immunity, testing. And
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