Business Standard

Wednesday, January 15, 2025 | 11:56 AM ISTEN Hindi

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Economic Survey should deal not just with 'Whats' & 'Whys' but also 'Hows'

Survey lessons like exports' importance for growth and jobs, how govt intervention in markets can be harmful, and wealth creation via privatisation should have been imbibed long ago, writes T N Ninan


T N Ninan
For someone in India, it seems incredible that China can set up two hospitals, with a combined total of about 2,300 beds, in less than 10 days, in virus-hit Wuhan. How can it be possible? The answer is that one is a hospital already being built and scheduled to open in May. That deadline was moved forward, to all of 48 hours. Another is a hospital that copies one built (within a week) in Beijing in 2003 to deal with the SARS epidemic. But the questions don’t go away. Was there no problem with land acquisition? No, because the hospital
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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