Business Standard

Lives vs livelihoods

The low virus-related mortality rates for India and other tropical countries do not support the case for stringent lockdowns, which would also destroy businesses and jobs

migrants, workers

Alok Sheel
There is a lot of data in the public domain on the rapid progression of the Covid-19 pandemic that, among other things, is threatening to result in another Great Depression. 

The course of the Covid-19 pandemic has varied sharply across space and time. Aggregating the data controlling for demography and geography reveals interesting patterns that have a bearing on the kind of differentiated public policy response that is warranted. The data from China, where the pandemic began, looks very different when controlled forpopulation size. 

Countries in the northerly latitudes, above roughly 30 degrees north latitude, have a different epidemiological pattern from those
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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