The book makes theoretical and empirical arguments to show why India still needs planning even more than before
If India is to become truly competitive, the govt must improve efficiency and transparency of public administration among other factors
The Trans Pacific Partnership is becoming a reality in the Asia-Pacific region would have many implications for India, not only in tariff preferences but also higher standards
Establishing bodies to deal with problems of poor governance will yield few results unless Modi takes an overarching institutional approach to the issue
India's Planning Commission needs to evolve into an independent body that is open to public scrutiny and gives more power to the states
The civil aviation ministry's proposal to create a cell to keep tabs on airfares defies logic. What it needs is a vigilant competition agency
A number of competition distortions or impediments arise owing to our policy framework in different areas of economic governance
The CCI should be proactive in analysing mergers of international companies that have Indian subsidiaries to check anticompetitive practices
An effective implementation of the merger regulations will help check anti-competitive practices while promoting industrial growth
Robust competition means more choice for consumers at affordable prices
Reforming the public distribution system is a Herculean task and well nigh impossible
Competitive neutrality is a minimum condition for effective mixed markets, for which the government needs to adopt and implement the National Competition Policy quickly