With normalcy gradually returning in Jammu and Kashmir, around 575 inspired youths from the region joined the Indian Army's Jammu Kashmir Light Infantry (JKLI) Battalion on Saturday."The Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry Regimental Centre showcased its latest batch of 575 passing out young soldiers from the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Recruit course serial number 118, on having completed one year of strenuous training was attested today at a glittering parade at the Bana Singh Parade Ground of JAK LI RC," Lt Col Abhinav Navneet, PRO (Defence) Udhampur said in an official statement.
The dauntless young soldiers of the regiment hailing from all regions and religions, marching in precise unison with a singular aim of devoting their lives in service of their nation, singing their regimental song 'Balidanam Veer Lakshnam', inspired one and all as their voice echoed in the Kashmir Valley. Their salute to the Tri-colour with national anthem playing inspired patriotic fervour amongst all present during the parade.
The passing out parade, depicting graduation of a recruit and his transformation into a young soldier, was reviewed by Adjutant General Lt Gen Ashwani Kumar and attended by parents and relatives of young soldiers from the region besides a number of civil and military officers.
The Adjutant General congratulated the soldiers for their immaculate parade and impressed upon selfless service towards the nation. He praised their contribution towards encouraging more and more youth from Jammu and Kashmir to come forward to join the security forces.
Kumar also highlighted the vital role played by their parents in motivating their wards to join this noble profession.
The young soldiers who excelled themselves in varied facets of training were also felicitated by the general officer.
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Recruit Sawan Kumar received the Sher-e-Kashmir Sword of Honour and Triveni Singh Medal for being adjudged 'Overall Best Recruit' and Recruit Pankaj Kumar bagged the Chewang Rinchen Medal for being 'Best in Firing'."The proud parents and relatives pipped the soldiers ready to join their battalions and to tread the immortal path of glory, living up to the best traditions of the Army," he said.
As a mark of respect, gratitude and recognition of the contribution made by the parents of these young soldiers, they were also presented with the Gaurav Padaks instituted by the Army.
Prohibitory orders were issued after the abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of the state into two Union Territories -- Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh on August 5.
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