Business Standard

Friday, January 17, 2025 | 04:05 AM ISTEN Hindi

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Good, bad and intelligent

ChatGPT is at the cutting edge of AI research. Its use cases are endless. But it is also not hard to see how AI could potentially cause a global catastrophe


Devangshu Datta
ChatGPT, an AI created by OpenAI, has made huge waves. There are claims it could supersede conventional search engines. Unlike a search engine, ChatGPT doesn’t simply list links when a search term (or a natural language question) is entered.

Instead, it produces a verbal precis of what it considers relevant information from what it considers pertinent links. The quality of that can vary a lot, of course. One reason why this is popular is familiarity: The ChatGPT mode of supplying information is akin to that of a schoolteacher, albeit one who isn’t very discriminating. A second reason is simply that
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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