Business Standard

Monday, January 20, 2025 | 01:28 PM ISTEN Hindi

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Minorities face little bias in labour markets

The major religious minorities - Muslims and Christians - have withdrawn from the labour markets more than the majority faith. But again, the difference is not alarming


Mahesh Vyas
The Indian labour markets do not seem to discriminate on the basis of religion as much on other social cleavages. Labour market metrics of people of different faith differ, broadly on expected lines. But those differences are not as stark as they may be expected. They are also not worse than the differences based on other characteristics of identity.

The biggest disparity in the labour market is the one based on gender. The participation of women in the labour markets is very low compared to men and yet they face much higher unemployment rates compared to men. Labour participation rate
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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