Sebi has proposed that registered Investment Advisers and Research Analysts who employ artificial intelligence (AI) tools in their services must disclose the extent of usage to clients, emphasizing the importance of strong security measures to avoid unintended data exposure. This transparency is crucial for clients to understand how AI tools contribute to their investment decisions and to make informed choices about their advisory services. "The possibility of unintended data exposure highlights the need for strong security measures and clear disclosure to clients about the extent of AI tool usage", Trivesh D, COO at Tradejini, a stock trading platform, told PTI. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), in its consultation paper earlier this month, highlighted the growing usage of AI tools in Investment Adviser (IA) and Research Analyst (RA) services. With technological innovations and advancements, many AI tools are currently available in chatbot form such as OpenAI's ..
US financial services major JPMorgan Chase's new large language model, functioning as a 'research analyst', has already been rolled for more than 50,000 employees
According to the report, entities in India spent $1,703.8 million on AI in 2023, where BFSI, manufacturing, healthcare, telecom, and retail were the highest spending sectors during the year
The feature would allow users to ask ChatGPT a question and receive answers that use details from the web with citations to sources such as Wikipedia entries and blog posts
He categorized these risks into three broad sets-data bias and robustness, governance, and transparency
The company, said to be exploring different ways to save on employee costs, has laid off a few employees for 'poor performance'
75 per cent of organisations said customer engagement was a segment that was most influenced by generative AI
The GPAI is a congregation of 28 member countries and the European Union. India had joined the group as a founding member in 2020
AI has found its way into a number of industries, from transportation to health. Now it is being integrated with search engines
Though technology is driven from places such as Bengaluru, Al Olama said it is coming from the rest of the world as well
In August 2012, robo stock traders at Knight Capital Group lost $440 million in just 45 minutes