E-commerce platform Meesho on Thursday said it has hired 8.5 lakh seasonal staff within its seller and logistics network ahead of the festival season, mostly from tier-3 and tier-4 regions. This marks a 70 per cent increase from its seasonal hiring last year, according to a company statement. "This festive season, we are particularly thrilled to have enabled 8.5 lakh seasonal jobs, especially in tier-3 and beyond cities. Empowering SMBs, local manufacturers and logistics providers to scale their business is resulting in meaningful economic opportunities that is driving financial inclusion in these regions," said Sourabh Pandey, CXO, Fulfilment and Experience, Meesho. Meesho's sellers have hired 5 lakh seasonal workers as part of their requirements for the festive season, the statement said. Additionally, Meesho has hired about 3.5 lakh gig workers through its third-party logistics providers including Delhivery, Ecom Express, Shadowfax, and Xpressbees, along with its own logistic ..
Meesho has distinguished itself from its peers by becoming a prominent choice among the younger generation, with one in every three users under the age of 25.
Of the $340 million that Zepto received, $250 million came from General Catalyst, $50 million from Mars Growth, and the remaining amount was fetched from existing investors
With about 80 per cent of its 15 crore annual transacting customers coming from tier 2, 3 and 4 and beyond towns, Meesho has been instrumental in bringing new-to-e-commerce users online
We continue to be the most downloaded shopping app for two to three consecutive years, he says
Meesho's new board members are expected to play a key role in advancing its strategic goals
Softbank-backed e-commerce firm Meesho on Friday said it has appointed Jubilant Bhartia Group founder Hari S Bhartia along with three other seasoned business leaders as independent directors. Along with Bhartia, Meesho has onboarded former JP Morgan Chairman Kalpana Morparia for South and South East Asia, PhonePe non-executive Chairman of the board Rohit Bhagat, and San Francisco-based AI company Ema's CEO Surojit Chatterjee. "As we embark on the next phase of growth, I am thrilled to announce the appointment of Surojit Chatterjee, Kalpana Morparia, Rohit Bhagat, and Hari S. Bhartia as independent directors to Meesho's board," Meesho, Founder and CEO Vidit Aatrey said in a statement. Bhartia is the Founder and Co-Chairman of Jubilant Bhartia Group. The Jubilant Bhartia Group has four flagship companies listed on Indian stock exchanges, with a combined market capitalisation of approximately USD 7.65 billion, it added. Bhartia is also the Co-Chairman and Managing Director of Jubilan
In this short span, Valmo has expanded its reach to include 6,000 pin codes across over 20 cities. The platform has over 3,000 micro entrepreneurs
Shopsy is Flipkart's hyper-value e-commerce platform that competes with Meesho and Amazon Bazaar
Meesho plans to utilise its primary capital of approximately $300 million to cover taxes resulting from relocating the company's base back to India from Delaware
The SoftBank-backed e-commerce firm Meesho is enabling opportunities for wealth creation for 1,700 past as well as present employees
Eligible current and ex-employees across the spectrum, from junior-level executives to senior leadership can voluntarily participate in this program, the company said in a statement
Valmo would partner with fulfilment centres across the country. This way, it aims to create a national logistics solution by eliminating entry barriers for local players
E-commerce firm Meesho on Wednesday said it has reduced its logistics cost by 5 per cent by using its software logistics infrastructure platform Valmo. Valmo currently handles 20-22 per cent of orders of Meesho, which it plans to double in the next 12-18 months. The homegrown company announced that it has created a technology-enabled SaaS (Software as a service) platform Valmo to get micro-entrepreneurs in the logistics segment onboard to create a larger ecosystem and supply chain. The platform will incorporate local logistics suppliers to provide shipment services to the company, making the logistics seamless, and helping sellers on Meesho to save on operating costs. "Valmo aims to create a national logistics solution by eliminating entry barriers for local players and helping them grow their businesses," Meesho said in a statement. Meesho CXO, Fulfilment & Experience, Sourabh Pandey said the company has been able to reduce overhead costs by 5 per cent by incorporating Valmo for
This is a decline of about 29 per cent from the SoftBank-backed company's peak valuation of $4.9 billion
Softbank-backed Meesho on Tuesday said it has delisted nearly 2 lakh products from its e-commerce platform in the last quarter after quality check and plans to reduce visibility of low-rated items by 20 per cent within six months. The company said that quality evaluation was conducted through a comprehensive analysis of customer reviews, ratings and feedback. "Post evaluation, Meesho delisted nearly 2 lakh products in the last quarter alone. Meesho has further invested in the power of artificial intelligence to fortify quality checks while continuously working to improve key word databases and detection capabilities on the platform," the company said. The company further said that it determines quality through customer reviews, ratings and feedback as well as through any reported issues or returns related to the product's condition, functionality, or overall satisfaction. The e-commerce firm largely focuses on small sellers that mostly sell unbranded products on the platform. "Ove
Walmart group firm Flipkart continues to dominate the e-commerce segment with 48 per cent market share while Softbank-backed Meesho has emerged as the fastest growing e-commerce platform in terms of user base in India, a latest report by AllianceBernstein said. According to the report, Flipkart's user base grew 21 per cent year-on-year (YoY), Meesho accelerated at 32 per cent while Amazon lagged at 13 per cent user growth primarily due to relative premium offerings as compared to peers. " As of FY23, Flipkart was the market leader, with a 48 per cent share in India eCommerce. Flipkart continues to grow faster than the industry... Mobile and apparel to be the largest categories for Flipkart with around 50 per cent and 30 per cent mix. Flipkart is estimated to hold 48 per cent and 60 per cent market share in online smartphone and online fashion market respectively," the report said. The report attributed growth in Meesho's market share primarily to its strategic focus Tier 2 and small
In September 2021, Fidelity led a $570 million round in Meesho along with B Capital Group, a venture capital firm co-founded by Facebook Co-Founder Eduardo Luiz Saverin
Recruitments reflect 'robust road map for 2024', says Meesho, which is an e-commerce firm backed by SoftBank
The company's revenue grew 77 per cent to Rs 5,735 core