It’s 11 am and Anjana Sharma has already been on the landline phone at her desk for four hours non-stop. Sharma, 35, walks into this unsung Covid control room at 7 am sharp everyday, after a hurried breakfast and a long car pool.
From there on, she attends anything from 50 to 70 plus calls from those in distress, till her shift gets over at 1 pm. Her five other colleagues, all of them public health nursing officers, too, follow this drill in a 12X10 ft room at the sanitizer-drenched entrance of the Delhi government’s Directorate of Health Services
From there on, she attends anything from 50 to 70 plus calls from those in distress, till her shift gets over at 1 pm. Her five other colleagues, all of them public health nursing officers, too, follow this drill in a 12X10 ft room at the sanitizer-drenched entrance of the Delhi government’s Directorate of Health Services