Days after Mark Zuckerberg announced the rollout of the new WhatsApp "Channels" feature, Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined the community. On Tuesday, the Prime Minister shared a post on his WhatsApp channel with a picture of the new parliament building. This came after the first Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha sessions in the new building adjourned for the day.
The post reads, "Thrilled to join Whatsapp community! It is yet another step closer in our journey of continued interactions."
Under the HD image of the Prime Minister sitting in the office, he added, "Let's stay connected here! Here's a picture from the new Parliament building..."
Many Whatsapp users have shared their reactions to the post by PM Modi.
WhatsApp Channels are a one-way broadcast tool to receive updates about celebrities and organisations. It is a searchable directory where users can follow "Channels" related to their hobbies, sports teams, updates from local officials, and more. Channel admin can invite people to follow through invite links sent in chats, e-mail, or posted online.
Personal information such as the channel admin's phone number will not be shown to followers, and following a channel will not show that to the admin or others following the channel either. Channel updates will be available for 30 days with no permanent record.
Channels can be found in a new tab called Updates - where users can discover the status and channels they choose to follow.
As Whatsapp rolls out the new feature globally, more updates are expected to follow.