American PC maker HP on October 18 launched in India the Pavilion Plus series laptops. The HP Pavilion Plus is offered in 14-inch and 16-inch screen variants starting at Rs 91,999 and Rs 124,999, respectively. The 14-inch screen variant is available with 13th Gen Intel Core processors and AMD Ryzen 7 series processors. The 16-inch screen variant comes with 13th Gen Intel Core processors, paired with NVIDIA RTX 3050 GPU. Both the variants feature HP Presence 2.0 software for AI-based video conferencing features and IMAX-enhanced displays.
The HP Pavilion Plus 16 laptop is offered in warm gold and natural silver colour, and the HP Pavilion Plus 14 is offered in moonlight blue and natural silver colours. Below are the details:
The HP Pavilion Plus 16 laptop is offered in warm gold and natural silver colour, and the HP Pavilion Plus 14 is offered in moonlight blue and natural silver colours. Below are the details:
HP Pavilion Plus 16: Specifications
The HP Pavilion Plus 16 sports a 16-inch 2.5K resolution display of up to 120Hz refresh rate. It is powered by 13th Gen Intel Core i7 (H-series) processor, with an option for 6GB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 GPU. It has 16GB DDR5 RAM up to 1TB NVMe Gen4 SSD storage. For connectivity, the laptop sports a Thunderbolt 4 port, a USB-C port, two USB-A ports, a headphone/microphone combo jack and an HDMI 2.1 port. The laptop supports Wi-Fi 6e for wireless connectivity. HP said the laptop weighs 1.9 kg and it is powered by a 68Wh Lithium-ion battery. Other features include 5MP IR camera, manual camera shutter, and Windows Hello support.
HP Pavilion Plus 14: Specifications
The HP Pavilion Plus 14 has a 14-inch 2.8K resolution OLED screen of up to 120Hz refresh rate. It gets an option of 13th Gen Intel Core i7 (U-series) processor or AMD Ryzen 7 (H-series) processor. Unlike the 16-inch model, the Pavilion Plus 14 has integrated GPU and it does not get an option for a dedicated GPU. It has 16GB DDR5 RAM and up to 1TB NVMe SSD storage. For connectivity, the laptop sports a Thunderbolt 4 port, two USB-A ports, a headphone/microphone combo jack, and an HDMI 2.1 port. The Pavilion Plus 14 supports Wi-Fi 6e for wireless connectivity. HP said the laptop weighs 1.44 kg and a 68Wh Lithium-ion battery powers it.