Three individuals on Tuesday settled with capital markets regulator Sebi a case pertaining to alleged violation of insider trading rules in the scrip of PNB Housing Finance Ltd after paying Rs 1.56 crore collectively. Those who settled the case are -- Sidhant Chandalia, Naysar Parikh and Ronak Narendra Parikh, according to two separate orders passed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi). Individually, Chandalia and Naysar Parikh paid Rs 50.7 lakh each towards the settlement amount, and Ronak Narendra Parikh remitted Rs 45.5 lakh as a settlement charge and Rs 8.98 lakh towards disgorgement of wrongful gain along with interest. "In view of the acceptance of the settlement terms and the receipt of settlement amount..., the instant adjudication proceedings initiated against the Noticee(s) vide SCN (Show Cause Notice) disposed of," Sebi said. The directives came after the three persons filed applications with Sebi proposing to settle the instant proceedings initiat
PNB Housing Finance block deal: Private equity firm Carlyle Group's Quality Investment Holdings PCC likely sold its partial stake in the housing finance company
Foreign investors General Atlantic and Asia Opportunities V (Mauritius) on Thursday sold a 4.9 per cent stake in PNB Housing Finance for Rs 1,004 crore through open market transactions. US-based private equity firm General Atlantic through its affiliate General Atlantic Singapore Fund FII Pte offloaded PNB Housing Finance shares through a bulk deal on the National Stock Exchange (NSE). More than 1.27 crore shares or a 4.9 per cent stake in PNB Housing Fin were disposed of by both entities. As per the data available, General Atlantic Singapore Fund FII and Asia Opportunities sold 63.79 lakh shares each, amounting to a 4.9 per cent stake in the public sector housing finance company. The shares were offloaded in the range of Rs 786.46-787.88 apiece, taking the combined transaction value to Rs 1,004.28 crore. After the stake sale, the shareholding of Asia Opportunities V (Mauritius) in PNB Housing Finance has declined to 7.43 per cent from 9.88 per cent. The stake of General Atlantic
The real estate cycle is about 7-8 years. The demand for housing is always increasing, and so is housing shortage. With the government's focus on housing, the housing finance sector will only grow
REC Limited and Power Finance Corporation have soared up to 10 per cent each in the last 30 days on the NSE
Total income during the quarter rose to Rs 1,806 crore from Rs 1,628 crore in the same quarter of the previous fiscal, PNB Housing Finance said in a regulatory filing
On March 29, CARE Ratings upgraded PNB Housing Finance's Long Term Bank Facilities, worth Rs 15,600 crore, to 'CARE AA+' from 'CARE AA'
These interest rates are applicable on all new and renewed fixed deposits booked until March 31, 2024, with a minimum deposit amount of Rs 10,000
Girish Kousgi, MD and CEO at PNB Housing Finance said that at the current pace, the company may add another Rs 1,000 crore to its loan book in the next six months
PNB Housing Finance on Friday said its board has approved a proposal to raise Rs 3,500 crore via non-convertible debentures (NCDs) to fund business growth. The NCD will be raised on a private placement basis, PNB Housing Finance said in a regulatory filing. The fund will be raised in tranches over the next six months, it said.
Girish Kousgi, MD & CEO of PNB Housing Finance says the plan is to grow the loan book by 17% and disbursement by 22-23% in the current financial year
PNB Housing Finance on Monday inaugurated its first all-women branch in the country
Stocks to watch on Wednesday, October 25, 2023: The Bombay High Court has directed the Directorate General of GST Intelligence, Hyderabad, to not pass a final orders against Delta Corp
So far this calendar year, the stock has rallied 56 per cent, as against a 6 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex
PNB Housing Q1 results: The revenue from operations for the company also recorded a YoY rise of 20.55 per cent compared to the same period last year
'The HFC recently entered the affordable segment, and disbursed around Rs 137 crore till the end of Q4 of 2022-23'
The company's consolidated interest income rose by 22.32 per cent to Rs 1,589 crore for the March quarter as compared to Rs 1,299 crore in the year-ago period
Stock to Watch on Tuesday, May 9: Canara Bank's net profit rose 90.6 per cent year-on-year (YoY) at Rs 3,175 crore in Q4FY23
PNB Housing Finance promoted by Punjab National Bank (PNB) has raised Rs 2,494 crore from the rights issue to fund business growth. The issue closed on April 27, 2023, PNB Housing Finance said in a statement. The company intends to utilise the net proceeds from the issue towards augmenting its capital base. Post the rights issue, the shareholding of PNB as a promoter of the company would come down from the current level of 32.53 per cent to below 30 per cent, but it would be higher than 26 per cent so that the bank retains promoter status. In March 2022, PNB Housing's board approved the Rs 2,500-crore rights issuance, and in November last year, the board cleared the draft letter offer that was to be filed with the Sebi. PNB Housing was looking to raise equity capital worth Rs 4,000 crore, and had entered into a deal with joint venture partner Carlyle Group, among other investors, in May 2021. However, in October 2021, the mortgage lender decided to terminate the Rs 4,000 crore sta
PNB Housing Finance, an arm of state-owned Punjab National Bank, has received capital markets regulator Sebi's go ahead to raise up to Rs 2,500 crore through rights issue of shares. The housing finance firm, which had filed draft papers with Sebi in December 2022 regarding the rights issue, obtained its 'observations' on March 6, which is necessary for any company to launch the issue, an update the markets regulator showed on Monday. Going by the draft papers, PNB Housing will issue fully paid-up equity shares of the company by way of a rights issue to its existing shareholders for an amount not exceeding Rs 2,500 crore. The company intends to utilise the net proceeds from the issue towards augmenting its capital base. Post the rights issue, the shareholding of Punjab National Bank (PNB) as a promoter of the company would come down from the current level of 32.53 per cent to below 30 per cent but it would be higher than 26 per cent so that the bank retains promoter status. In Marc