Gautam Buddh Nagar police personnel have been instructed to be polite with people and not stop those carrying essential commodities during the lockdown considering the gravity of the spread of the new coronavirus that has infected 31 in the district, officials said on Sunday.
Commissioner of Police Alok Singh said his force has been sensitised to help the poor and the needy and the personnel have distributed food and ration among 2,000 people on Sunday.
"The police personnel have been especially instructed to behave politely with people, while instructions have also been given not to stop vehicles carrying items of essential commodities. People are being made aware of social distancing through loudspeakers and people are being discouraged from coming out of their homes," Singh said.
The police arrested a person after filing an FIR under the Essential Commodities Act 1955.
Also, 924 vehicles were checked and challans were issued to owners of 132 of them for violating the law, the police said.
Singh said Additional DCP Ranvijay Singh also distributed 350 food packets at various places in Noida, amid reports that migrant workers were unable to sustain themselves and their families during the lockdown and were coming out on roads to leave for their home towns and villages on foot.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on March 18 announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown, restricting movement of people except those in essential services, to contain the spread of the virus.
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