Business Standard

Saturday, January 18, 2025 | 03:50 AM ISTEN Hindi

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New tack on economic policy: Why's Modi govt going against its natural instinct?

The promise of a less suspicious govt is surprising. What about the disconnect between the new business stance and earlier push to dictate the narrative in politics and public life, wonders T N Ninan


T N Ninan
The new tack that the Narendra Modi government has spelt out on economic policy needs proper understanding, to figure out whether it will work. For it includes not just the privatisation of government-owned companies but also of more sectors — like power distribution, where consumers are now promised choice of supplier. There is the promise of a change in attitude. For, while praising wealth creators, the government has also talked of de-criminalising company and tax laws, and further de-personalising tax assessments. This promise of a friendlier business environment and a less suspicious government has taken most people by surprise. But
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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