Foreign investors infused Rs 15,352 crore into Indian equities during the first half of this month, driven by the government's commitment to ongoing reforms, low US Federal rates, and strong domestic demand. The upcoming Union Budget will be one of the most watched events by foreign investors to understand the government's plans for economic growth, Himanshu Srivastava, Associate Director - Manager Research at Morningstar Investment Research India, said. According to the data with the depositories, foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) have made a net inflow of Rs 15,352 crore in equities this month (till July 12). This came following an inflow of Rs 26,565 crore in equities in June on the back of political stability and a sharp rebound in markets. Before that, FPIs withdrew Rs 25,586 crore in May on poll jitters and over Rs 8,700 crore in April on concerns over a tweak in India's tax treaty with Mauritius and a sustained rise in US bond yields. The latest FPIs' flow can be attribute
Foreign investors pulled out a massive Rs 25,586 crore from Indian equities in May due to uncertainty surrounding the outcome of general election and outperformance of Chinese markets. This was way higher than a net outflow of over Rs 8,700 crore in April on concerns over a tweak in India's tax treaty with Mauritius and a sustained rise in US bond yields. Before that, FPIs made a net investment of Rs 35,098 crore in March and Rs 1,539 crore in February, while they took out Rs 25,743 crore in January, data with the depositories showed. Going ahead, election results, which will be out on June 4, could determine FPIs flows into Indian equities in the near future. In the medium term, US interest rates will exert more influence on FPI flows, Vijayakumar, Chief Investment Strategist, Geojit Financial Services, said. According to the data, Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) made a net withdrawal of Rs 25,586 crore from equities in May. The relatively high valuations and weak earnings, .
If sustains, it will be highest monthly pullout since January 2023
Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) are turning steady buyers as they bought Indian equities worth Rs 6,139 crore so far this month driven by strong economic growth, market resilience and decline in US bond yields. This came following a modest investment of Rs 1,539 crore in February and massive outflow of Rs 25,743 crore in January, data with the depositories snowed. "FPI inflows have shown a positive trend as compared to the previous month. Thanks to the recent announcement of Q3 GDP numbers at 8.4 per cent, persistence performance of large Indian corporates being major factors for turning the tide green for the Indian equity market," Manoj Purohit, Partner and leader - FS Tax, Tax and Regulatory Services, BDO India, said. On the regulatory front, announcements such as removal of UAE from the grey list, Sebi's consultation paper for easing disclosures norms for regulated FPIs have been the major catalysts to put India on the forefront for potential long term investments for the ...
The rupee settled at Rs 83.12 per Dollar on Wednesday. It moved in a narrow range of Rs 83.07 per Dollar to Rs 83.17 a Dollar in the current week as the RBI and oil companies continue to absorb inflow
In a dazzling resurgence, foreign investors have graced the Indian equity markets with an influx of nearly Rs 1.5 lakh crore in 2023, fuelled by optimism over the country's resilient economic fundamentals amid shadows of a gloomy global scenario. Experts believe that the positive trend may continue in 2024. This follows Indian equities witnessing the worst-ever net outflow of Rs 1.21 lakh crore by FPIs in 2022 on aggressive rate hikes by the central banks globally after net inflows for three consecutive years. Going forward, as the general elections approach next year, political stability and economic growth will become focal points for foreign investors. Besides, global cues on the inflation and interest rate scenario would dictate the flow of foreign money into Indian equities, said Himanshu Srivastava, Associate Director Manager Research at Morningstar Investment Research India. India, with its promising position for economic growth, is expected to continue attracting foreign ..
Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) selling spree continued as they dumped Indian equity worth over Rs 5,800 crore this month so far on rising interest rates and geopolitical tensions in the Middle East. This came after such investors withdrew Rs 24,548 crore in October and Rs 14,767 crore in September, data with the depositories showed. Before the outflow, FPIs were incessantly buying Indian equities in the last six months from March to August and brought in Rs 1.74 lakh crore during the period. Going forward, this selling trend is unlikely to continue as the US Federal Reserve signalled a dovish stance in its meeting last week, experts said. According to the data with the depositories, FPIs sold shares to the tune of Rs 5,805 crore during November 1-10. The FPI selling trend which started in September continued in October and is showing no signs of reversing in November even though the intensity of selling has come down this month. This could be largely attributed to the growing
Foreign investors have pulled out nearly Rs 9,800 crore from Indian equities this month so far owing to a sustained rise in US bond yields and the uncertain environment resulting from the Israel-Hamas conflict. This came after Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) turned net sellers in September and pulled out Rs 14,767 crore. Before the outflow, FPIs were incessantly buying Indian equities in the last six months from March to August and brought in Rs 1.74 lakh crore during the period. This inflow was largely due to the reduction in US inflation from 6 per cent in February to 3.2 per cent in July. The temporary pause in the US Federal rate hike from May to August also played a role, Kislay Upadhyay, smallcase manager and Founder of FidelFolio Investments, said. Going ahead, the trajectory of FPIs' investments in India will be influenced not only by global inflation and interest rate dynamics but also by the developments and intensity of the Israel-Hamas conflict, Himanshu Srivastava,
They also bought shares worth Rs. 1,609 crore in auto and auto components and Rs. 1,520 in construction stocks
Concerns over China's economic recovery have also aided flows into India, said Sameer Kaul, MD and CEO at TrustPlutus Wealth (India) Pvt
In May, foreign portfolio investors (FPI) bought equity for Rs 18,617 crore
The total assets under custody (AUC) from Mauritius declined nearly 42 per cent to Rs 3.25 trillion at the end of March 2023, from Rs 5.55 trillion a year ago.
The move will help increase the investment legroom in the merged entity, which could lead to higher passive flows from global index trackers, said analysts
Industry experts are of the opinion that the success of the T+1 settlement cycle will hinge on institutional traders -both foreign as well as domestic
Foreign investors have infused a net Rs 11,557 crore in Indian equities in December so far despite a market correction and increasing concerns over re-emergence of COVID in China and some other parts of the world. Going ahead, macro data from the US and COVID news will drive FPI flows and the markets in the near term, said V K Vijayakumar, Chief Investment Strategist at Geojit Financial Services. According to data with the depositories, Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) invested a net sum of Rs 11,557 crore in equities during December 1-23. This comes following a net investment of over Rs 36,200 crore in November primarily due to weakening of the US dollar index and positivity about overall macroeconomic trends. Prior to this, foreign investors pulled out Rs 8 crore in October and Rs 7,624 crore in September, data with the depositories showed. "Despite correction in the markets, increasing concerns over re-emergence of COVID in some parts of the world and recession worries in the
The ADTV for the futures and options segment (both NSE and BSE combined) stood at Rs 147.5 trillion - a gain of 2 per cent MoM
With this, the total outflow by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) has reached Rs 1.75 trillion so far in 2022, data with the depositories showed
The flows from FPIs have been inconsistent over the last few months as they kept on changing their stance frequently tracking the fast-changing investment scenario
In November, the Nifty fell nearly 4 per cent, while the Nifty Bank Index dropped 8.7 per cent amid an $800-million pull-out by FPIs
Long/short funds (of which data is available for 13) gave median returns of 2.73 per cent