Cost of LED bulbs has come dowm to Rs 75-95 across 16 states with procurement rates falling to as low as Rs 54.90 apiece, power ministry said today.
In the latest round of procurement, which ended on March 31, 2016, the lowest procurement cost was Rs 54.90 (exclusive of taxes and administrative costs), the ministry said.
With the addition of administrative costs, distribution and awareness cost, the price of LED bulbs is ruling in the range of Rs 75-95 in 16 states, it said, adding that the variation in the final cost of the bulbs is owing to the difference in taxes across states.
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The project, executed by Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), under the Ministry of Power, procures high quality LED bulbs from leading manufacturers through a bidding process.
Various state-specific taxes and other administrative costs like distribution and awareness are added to the pooled procurement price.