Ahead of the Chhattisgarh Assembly elections, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) released its fifth list of 12 candidates on Friday. Polling for 20 seats in the 90-member Chhattisgarh Assembly will be held in two phases on November 7 and 17.
The names of the candidates in the fifth list include Neelam Thakur, Bhawesh Warkade, Rakesh Yadav, Anubhav Tiwari, Saamlal Banjare, Sanjay Yadav, Dadram Premi, Vijay Jha, Chauvendra Sahu, Amit Hirmani, Veer Verma, and Pramod Sahu.
Announcement ????— AAP Chhattisgarh (@AAPChhattisgarh) October 27, 2023
Fifth list of candidates for Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections 2023 is here.
All the best to all the candidates ✌️????
इस बार चलेगी झाड़ू ! ????#ChhattisgarhMangeKejriwal pic.twitter.com/Ko0kKsJGXo
Earlier, the AAP had declared the names of 10 candidates in the first list, 12 in the second list, 11 in the third list and 12 in the fourth list. So far, the AAP has declared a total of 57 candidates for the Chhattisgarh assembly elections. Recently, the party released a list of 37-star campaigners for the Chhattisgarh polls. The list included Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann, among others.
Chhattisgarh is set to vote in two phases on November 7 and 17, and the results will be declared on December 3. The first phase of polling for 20 seats in Chhattisgarh will take place on November 7, and the remaining 70 seats in the state will go to the polls on November 17. The Model Code of Conduct has already come into effect in Chhattisgarh.