The Uttar Pradesh government on Saturday said over 13.54 lakh migrant labourers have returned to the state in 1,018 special trains since the services began earlier this month and monitoring teams are ensuring they strictly follow home quarantine.
Additional Chief Secretary (Home and Information) Awanish Awasthi said overall nearly 21 lakh people have arrived in the state in trains, buses and other means.
"On Saturday and Sunday, 178 trains are expected to come to the state," he added.
Authorities have collected the data on the returnees.
"A paper slip will be pasted on their houses, with complete details. The nigrani samitis (monitoring committees) will keep a watch on them, and ensure they strictly follow home quarantine," Awasthi said.
Awasthi said there are 52 stations in UP where special trains have stoppages.
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In Varanasi, two stations Cantonment and Madhuadih have been identified for special trains.
"For the first time, a (special) train is coming to Pilibhit. UP government is bringing migrant labourers and workers free of cost. No one has to pay any charge for any train coming to UP," he said.
The senior official also said challans have been issued against 5,298 persons for not wearing masks, while over 18,200 two-wheeler owners have been fined after the vehicles were caught with more than one rider.
"Of the 5,298 persons against whom challans have been issued, 1,461 are from Lucknow and 1,306 from Varanasi. The cost of a mask is between Rs 5 and Rs 10; instead of paying fine, people should purchase mask," he said.
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