Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao (KCR) has said that BRS' defeat is the loss of the state. He said, "If BRS loses I will go and take rest, but you will lose a lot," a Deccan Chronicle (DC) report said. The Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) President KCR spoke at a public meeting as he resumed election campaigning.
He was quoted in the DC report as saying, "These days, every Tom, Dick, and Harry is challenging me. One of them says come and contest against me in Kodangal. One dares me to come to a Gandhi statue. Does KCR have to prove his power in front of these nobodies? Entire India knows the power of KCR. The people in front of me are the power of KCR." The CM attacked the opposition during his address, addressing himself in the third person.
Earlier, Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee Chief A Revanth Reddy had challenged KCR to contest from Kodangal. KCR roared and asked the gathering, "Is this politics? Do we want such people?."
Attacking the Congress regime in the past in Telangana, KCR said, "Congress left the state in terrible condition. There were droughts, pooer kitchens, farmer migrations, and suicides." He added that the condition of the people in the state was abysmal before I came and worked towards the formation of a new state. He said that Congress did not want to do it until I made it impossible for them to deny the demand.
During his address, KCR highlighted the achievements of his government in the past nine years while comparing it with the sorry state of affairs when Telangana was part of Andhra Pradesh. KCR warned people against voting for people who are making a lot of promises. He said that these promises are fake as they will not fulfil them.