India also has its share of both large tech companies and large national laboratories, but why is it that these don't seem to be at the forefront of any innovation news headlines?
Just as the atom and the byte needed careful societal control to prevent damage to society, perhaps, so does the gene, particularly in debates like 'genes vs merit'
'Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (and Why That's a Good Thing)', by Khan Academy founder, is a valuable read for those puzzling over AI's role in education and society at large
Invention versus innovation
…kids, jobs, emigration
IIT/IIM grad Nitin Seth's book offers a systematic process to harness wisdom in the deluge of data in our data-first world
Is India headed there again?
…and achieve societal benefit, not harm
...and say bye to the humanities-science divide
Can legislation enable this?
Particularly economic ones
…is a cultural swaraj under way?
…current industry models will soon fade out
… while learning from past tech revolutions
… And what explains the directions of change?
A quiet revolution is underway in India that could upend the notion that Indians are tech adopters, not innovators
Being driven to abandon Indian middle-class values?
A thinking person's guide
Amidst the bewildering advancements and debates surrounding technology, Pranjal Sharma's book offers a peek into the potential benefits of the Fifth Industrial Revolution
…or just a Covid-era practice?